Our Story

Hello, my name is Katie, and my family and I love Jesus very much.

My husband and I began homeschooling in 2016.

Later, when the affects of covid started closing public and private schools, my heart became heavy for all the families who were thrown into homeschool mid-year without preparation for it.

I asked the Lord how I could help. He nudged me to start a homeschooling channel on you tube, so I did. Recently, He nudged me to start a website, so I can share further information with homeschool families (curriculum, documents, kids Bible studies, Feasts of the Lord information, coloring pages and more).

I hope the videos bless you, and please feel free to download anything from the site that may help you.

If you have homeschool questions or need prayer, please reach out to me.


Have a great day, and Happy Homeschooling!




Our Family